Com-Tec Institute
followings the Covid-19 Guidelines provided by the State of New Jersey Education Department. In order to protect our students from getting infected by COVID-19, the institution is following this strict regulation based on the New Jersey State and CDC safety guidelines. The following is a summary of Ace Covid-19 Guidelines:
Infection Control
- Every individual entering the facility will be checked for symptoms of COVID-19.
- Temperature check will be performed at the entrance.
- The school will not let you in if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
Physical Distancing
- Social distancing: 6 ft apart.
- Small number of students per class.
Masks and Cloth Face Coverings
- Mask or a cloth face covering is required to enter the campus.
Cleaning and Disinfection
- Classrooms are being disinfected before and after every class.
Hand Hygiene
- Everyone is instructed to regularly wash their hands.
- Hand sanitizers and alcohol are provided by the school.
Special guidance for labs, and clinical programs.
- Private career schools with labs, technical, and clinical programs should observe the CDC and NJDOH public health standards for personal protective equipment (masks or face shields as appropriate), physical distancing, sanitizing equipment, hand-washing, cleaning and disinfection, and exclusion of individuals with symptoms or a positive diagnosis of COVID-19.
As we will continue to hold few classes physically, majority of the classes will soon be via video conferencing for the remainder of the year.
Com-Tec Institute
will be adhering to the rules and regulation of the CDC Plan of the State of New Jersey for reopening of our institute. COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted all aspects of our lives. The old normal ways of keeping safe is a bit obsolete. The so-called "New Normal" must be adhered to if we expect to survive this unseen enemy.
School and Staff members, students and or visitors' temperature will be monitored at least twice a day (while entering the building and at lunch time).
We are preparing to do what needs to be done in order to stay as safe as possible. All staff, students, and or visitors will be required to wear a face mask and gloves to help prevent the spread of COVID-19; by protecting ourselves we will be protecting others' lives. It's our desire to follow the guideline mandated by the State of New Jersey and to ensure social distancing of 6 feet.
We will be adopting a policy of screening our staff, students, and or visitors ( listening for coughing, sneezing and excessive perspiration) in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
We will modify our classroom space by placing see through barriers between the desks and turning them to face in the same direction. We will be adopting a cleaning and disinfecting procedure (where each individual will sanitize their own workspace regularly using sanitizer wipes on their assigned device, workplace and chair).
All students will be encouraged to wear a face mask unless doing so would hinder the individual's health and asked to keep social distancing as a priority. For those students who are at higher risk for severe illness and promote behaviors that reduce spread of the virus, and social distancing, frequent hand washing and use of face covering will be in effect. Assigned seating will also help prevent the spread of the virus from one person to another. All precautions will be in effect! Their assigned seating will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
If Com-Tec finds that an individual is coughing, sneezing or appears to be A Systematic at the entrance of the institute that individual will be asked to leave the school immediately and seek help from their own practitioner, or go to the nearest health facility.
The school will develop a schedule for increased routine cleaning and disinfecting frequently used and touched areas, objects, and bathrooms daily and during the day as much as possible.
Com-Tec Institute
will stay in contact with CDC program to seek further advice from that administration and educators to make sure that we stay informed about how, when, and to what extent career training will be offered. We are aware that reopening is going to be challenging; but we will do our very best to make the necessary adjustments to make a smooth transition to this "New Normal" that we all have to embrace! As our staff, students, and or visitors meet this challenge of remaining healthy, safe and provide an environment for a higher quality education.